Thursday, September 21, 2006

I just received an email from UrbanBaby Everywhere (newsletter) announcing they will be sending out their free newsletter daily instead of weekly. What great news! They have a team of people who report on the best finds for babies. Chances are you will hear about new and trendy products here first. To get a taste for the articles, check out the archived section.

In addition to the UrbanBaby Everywhere, they also have their newsletter broken down by regions (Austin, Boston, Chicago, LA, NY, SF, and Seattle). If you don't see your metropolitan city on the list (like I don't see the Twin Cities), not to worry. They have a coming soon section with a ton of big cities listed. I guess I'll have to be patient (not one of my stronger traits).

The website and newsletter are great resources for parents. Sign up for their newsletter today and see for yourself!