If you read the previous post, you will note my organizational-tendencies! Don't laugh, I know this doesn't exactly fit in with the rest of my posts, but the above picture could be the all-time best kitchen organization tool - ever. It is simple, yet genius. This rack slides into your drawer and holds up to 36 spice containers. It expands to fit the size of your drawer (up to 23" wide). The spices sit upright at an angle, so they are easy to read and they don't slide all over the place. Since this gizmo sits in a drawer, you can close the drawer and not have to look at the spices, unlike those circular countertop racks. Not that I don't like those, but if I can I have an uncluttered countertop, it's that much better!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Spice it Up!
Just for Moms