Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Going Green Made Easy

Kermit the frog may have mentioned once or twice, "It's not easy being green." And to relate with the younger kids of today, I'm sure Shrek would reveal the same sentiment. Although I'm not physically green, I do find it a bit difficult to be green - environmentally speaking. I believe it mostly has to do with the unknown, which I am trying to change. I am trying to educate myself more and more on the topic.

It's clear to me, this is the wave of the future. Not because it is trendy, but because it is necessary. If you also feel like Kermy and/or Shrek, I found a great article. It will get you to start thinking green and it is not overwhelming. It is titled, Going Green Made Easy and written by the Earth 911 Staff on May 7th, 2007. In short, it covers these ten points in more detail. Again, the detail is not overwhelming; it's bullet points.

1. Buy Only What You Need
2. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!
3. Change a Light, Change the World
4. Bag It Up the Green Way
5. Green Your Gadgets
6. Make Every Drop Count
7. Turn Up the Savings
8. Clear the Air
9. Save A Tree
10. Home Sweet Home

Now, I will say this. Number one scared me a bit. Buy only what you need? Come on, I don't need those shoes, but I do want them! Think of it this way. You can't change the world over night. Work on the other nine points first. When you are ready to tackle number one, buy only what you need, start with food, household items, your husband's wardrobe, etc. You get what I mean.