Thursday, August 09, 2007

When Labeling is a Good Thing

Labeling can sometimes be good. For example, labeling your children's clothes with their name is a good thing. Labeling your children's toys with their name, another good thing. Mabel's Labels is the perfect solution for all your labeling needs:

stationery products (return address labels)
and more.
When taking your extended weekend trip to Europe, grab these bag tags to quickly decipher your kid's bags among all the other luggage.

Are you a neat freak? Admit it, you are or you definitely can be or you were until those kids came along and now you yearn for the organization in your life again. Try these neat freak labels and get your life back in order.

Do your kids attend day care? Or do have so many shoes in your mud room, you can't keep them all straight? Check out the shoe labels and stop guessing which shoe belongs to which kid.

Look behind your computer or your Television. Are you scared? Which cord goes with which electronic piece? Mabel's Labels has the cord control solution.

We could all use some more labeling in our lives. Note: this does not refer to stereotypical labeling! That is not good.