Tuesday, August 28, 2007

007 Worthy

I love all of James Bond's gadgets. Here is a gadget that is James-Bond-worthy. It is not only cool but comes in handy daily. I mean, let's face it, you don't really need a watch with a built-in laser cutter and a remote detonator on a daily basis. But this gadget is for everyday use, the MATA BioTech M28 fingerprint door lock. You can throw away those keys to your house. Unless you've misplaced them for the umpteenth time. Then just don't bother spending the half hour it will take to find them, again. Instead, use your fingers as your "keys" - presuming you always have your fingers with you. Your fingerprint is your key. So, James-Bond-like! It will store up to ten fingerprints. Meaning your other household members can let themselves in and out. Or in case you are nervous you might lose that exact finger that holds your "key" to your house and you'll never be able to get into your house again, you can use two of your fingers for the prints - one from each hand. Chances of losing both fingers (or both hands) in a freak accident are slim to none, so you'll always have your keys with you! Genius.

Just in case you are thinking to yourself, "Oh remember that one 007 gadget that... how did that work again?" Here is a list of all his cool tools.