Monday, August 06, 2007

Laughter, the Best Medicine

I have an acquaintance who two years ago was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML). She has been an inspiration to many, fighting like mad against this disease. This extroidanary person and her family have been through more than I can even imagine. She has been through the ringer and she deserves every bit of happiness that life can bring to her and her family. That's why I love the picture above. The laughter says it all. She is having the time of her life!

The story behind the picture is this. She and her husband went to the Sting concert and they were able to get VIP passes to the sound check Sting was doing before the show. When Sting asked if anyone wanted to come up on stage and sing, her hand shot right up! Her husband couldn't believe his eyes, she never would have done anything like that before. She would have hesitated until it was too late. Her reply is classic, “When am I ever going to get this chance again?” Possibly one silver lining to having cancer is that you live life to it's fullest and don't take your days for granted.

In case you are wondering she is singing the lead vocals to Roxanne. After the concert and because of the VIP status, they were able to meet Sting. He said, "I remember you. You’re a good singer!”

This is a bit of a stray from my posts where I usually find products, but this is truly an amazing person! And of course Sting is an amazing find... for his wife Trudy anyway.