Friday, January 19, 2007

Butterfly Kisses

We've all given our kids butterfly kisses (where you "kiss" your child on his/her cheek with your eyelashes). And in one way or another, we have all been touched by cancer, either directly or indirectly.

"What is she getting at?" you are thinking. Where is the connection between butterfly kisses and cancer? The connection is found in a new book written by Ellen McVicker and illustrated by Nanci Hersh, titled Butterfly Kisses and Wishes on Wings - When someone you love has cancer... a hopeful, helpful book for kids.

When Nanci was diagnosed with breast cancer she did not know how to explain this discovery to her sons. Her cousin, Ellen, who has worked with children, parents, and educators for years wrote a story for Nanci to help her explain cancer in general. Nanci then added her special touch to the story by adding beautifully illustrated pictures. The pictures are soft like watercolors. Soft like the voice you might use when trying to explain cancer to a child. The result became Butterfly Kisses and Wishes on Wings.

The website doesn't stop at promoting their much-needed book. It also provides some information and resources:
One word. Amazing, of course.