Monday, November 06, 2006

Lunchtime Love

You've seen me refer to a networking group called Ladies Who Launch. Kristi Thomas is a member of the Ohio group and launched an endearing business, Lunchology. It started when she packed her daughter's lunch for school. She began adding little notes of encouragement, fun facts, and jokes to her daughter's brown bag lunch. Needless to say they were a hit at school. Everyone wanted them. Children learn little tidbits without knowing it, plus they receive a dose of home while away at school the whole day.

I love that this amazing business idea started from Kristi who only wanted to give her daughter a few smiles while she was at school... and now it is a nation-wide seller! And if you wanted to take the time and make yours more personal, you can easily make your own. However, if time is of the essence, you can buy the bags for only $4.99 (includes about 25). That's a bargain for giving your child a smile or a "hug" while away from you!