Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Slice It. Peel It. Core It.

Sounds like the latest dance move. Slice it. Peel it. Core it.

The handy dandy apple slicer, peeler, and corer all in one gadget. It suctions right to your counter for easy use.

I have had this kitchen gadget for almost 10 years. Granted, I usually only use it in the fall when making baked apple dishes (like apple crisp, I love apple crisp), but it will last. Some versions can be thrown in the dishwasher. This kitchen tool cuts the time it takes me to make apple crisp in half, easily. The person who invented this product should be given an award from some National Baking Association, if there is one.

I have to imagine for all those out there who make their own applesauce or apple baby food, this would be a big time saver!