Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sigh of Relief

Talk about ingenious. These hip wrist bands, called Psi Bands and pronounced Sigh Bands, are a drug free solution for the relief of nausea. Most women who have been pregnant have dealt with some level of morning sickness, but it can also be used for motion/travel sickness, chemotherapy, and anesthesia. Now that is what you call versatile, plus it covers basically every human being out there.

The band uses acupressure by placing (you guessed it) pressure on a specific point in your wrist. You can control the amount of pressure by adjusting the colorful band. If you need a visual, you can watch a 17 second clip on the informative Psi Band website to see how it works and to answer any other questions you may have.

Next time your best friend tells you she's expecting you can buy her a Psi Band. She just might think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.