Thursday, June 05, 2008

Comfort After the C-Section? Yes!

Czela Bellies - Fabulous fun and flirty underwear for the recovering C-section mom!

Talk about finding a niche market. The owner of Czela Bellies has designed something I have never seen before - which is refreshing, to say the least.

New moms who have just gone through a C-Section can still feel fabulous underneath... even if their abdominal muscles are screaming. The design, which is patent-pending, provides comfort and style for the new mom. Comfort and style? You don't hear those two words in the same sentence very often.

I absolutely love this print pictured above. And if you are lucky enough to have a hubby who thinks pregnancy is beautiful, he'll be digging these little pieces of eye-candy too. However, depending how you feel (remember you now have a newborn and just underwent surgery), you might want to keep these little treasures your own secret... for a few weeks anyway.

In addition to all the cute boutiques and maternity stores that will be fighting to get their hands on these, we also hope to see these in hospitals across the globe.