Wednesday, May 21, 2008

She Blinded Me With Science

Summer is around the corner and you are starting to think "Cr*p, I need some activities for us to do this summer." Here is an idea that is sure to keep the kiddos busy for hours. You like the sound of that don't you!

Howtoons. Now, how do I explain the world of Howtoons? I guess Amazon does it best: "Part comic strip and part science experiment, Howtoons shows children how to find imaginative new uses for common household items like soda bottles, duct tape, mop buckets, and more–to teach kids the 'Tools of Mass Construction'!"

Sounds like a good time, eh? Wait, did they say duct tape? You might want to rip that page out. No need to teach your little one about the skills of hazing - that pastime is fizzling.

Howtoon also has a blog with even more science experiments. Plus a library for their content.

Grab some activities, the necessary household items, and relax while your children go crazy with fun. (Editor's Opinion: You mght want to be within watching distance, just to keep that eye in the back of your head tuned in on them.)