Thursday, February 28, 2008

Gone Fishin'

Your son loves to fish and your husband is over the moon with delight thinking of all the male-bonding times they are going to have. You are tickled pink because you are thinking of all the me-time you will get while the boys are out! To keep that interest alive with your little guy, the Fish Tales furniture from is a must... not to mention down-right cool.

The armoire is amazing and probably the most unique piece of furniture I've ever seen.
Don't forget the nightstand and the tables and chairs. Though quite honestly, if your child is old enough to really love fishing, he might be a bit old for the table and chairs. Just a thought.
And you can round out the room with the remaining accessories, some art, the lamp (this picture does not do it justice, a rug, more art, and even more art.

Truly a wild and magnificent catch!