Friday, September 14, 2007

Laugh Over Spilled Milk

Murphy's Law #572:
More food ends up on the floor than in Junior's mouth.

Why is that? I spend more time cleaning the floor under where my kids sit than I spend at the spa. And that is just wrong! I'm fighting back with a spill mat by Caden Lane. Laminated and large, measuring at 35" x 39", these spill mats will make any mess easy to clean. Just wipe the surface. Not to mention the super cool prints you can choose from. Depending on the shape of your floor, you just might want to keep the mat on the floor permanently!

Those nasty little messes come from everything - art projects and play dough to little Ricky looking you square in the eye with a huge grin while he dumps his yogurt on the floor. Next time, you can smile back at little Ricky and laugh. He will not only be utterly confused that you did not get angry and frantically try to clean up the mess, he will probably think, "Game over" and not try it again. Then you will secretly throw your head back, do a mad scientist laugh and think, "I've won. I've actually won."
Daydream over. Back to reality.

Clean floors once again... well, for a few days anyway. Thank you, Caden Lane!