Monday, September 17, 2007

Another Three Martinis, Please

She did it again.
And, no, I'm not referring to Britney. That's an insult! Christie Mellor, author of The Three Martini Family Vacation has written another funny book. Once again, I am still chuckling over some of the situations she describes.

Her previous book, The Three Martini Playdate had me rolling on the floor (like Yoga) while providing my abs a nice work out from all the laughing. Have you ever heard of losing weight while reading a book? Bonus! This book is just as good. She has a way of taking everyday situations, revealing the stupidities of some parents, and trying to set them straight with some valid suggestions - all while being quite hilarious because you can picture so much of it in your mind. And you know many of "these" parents!

If you read The Three Martini Playdate, you have an inkling of what is coming in the chapters with titles like these:
Adventures in Babysitting
Your Endlessly Fascinating Child
Your Child-Free Getaway: The Best Lei'd Plans
Christmas Comes But Twice This Year!

Another fun read.