Monday, February 25, 2008

Spring Break Preparations

Spring Break is coming; hopefully you have some plans to get outta dodge sans your adorable ankle bitters. Even if Spring Break isn't the excuse, just get away from the little ones for a long weekend. I promise, you will thank me. Is it hard the first few times to leave your child(ren)? Yes. Is it worth it? Definitely. Will you be ready to come home after a few days? Probably not. In fact, you might even make a pact with your hubby - next trip, longer!

When you do finally pack those bags, newer moms will find this Journal for the Babysitter quite handy. Presumably your kids will be left in the hands with familiar faces while you jaunt down to Mexico or over to Italy for the week. Mother-in-law may act like she is a pro (after all she did raise your significant other and maybe more), but she isn't remembering that was 30+ years ago, and she doesn't get to hand the kiddos back to you after one night of babysitting this go-around. So, she just might find this journal a god-send. And for only $24, you could afford the feeling of doing something right for a change in your Mother-in-law's eyes, couldn't you?

There are tabbed sections for meals, favorite activities, sleep routines, phone numbers, and more. Also included is a blank notepad to jot down other notes/details you think are important for the Sitter.