Sunday, October 26, 2008

MIL Day + Giveaway

Today is Mothers-in-law Day.
In all honesty I had absolutely no idea this day even existed (sorry Kate), until I came across the book The Daughter-in-law Rules by Sally Shields. Sally wrote this book after her own life experiences of constantly being at odds with her mother-in-law. She decided to take matters into her own hands and "give in" once she "realized the bond between a mother and her son is impenetrable and there was no way in Kalamazoo [she] was going to get him to take sides."

After reading this book, my first reaction was, "Wow, I'm pretty dang lucky. I have a good relationship with my mother-in-law. Of course there are a few things in the book to which I can relate, but man I can't imagine going through life being at odds like this with my mother-in-law." However, I quickly remembered quite a few of my friends and their stories regarding their mothers-in-law. So, I know this book definitely resonates with many, many daughters-in-law out there. And if this is you, keep reading you will enjoy this! Here are a few snippets from the book, The Daughter-in-law Rules.

"By No Means Criticize Your Husband To Your MIL.
Even if you are especially mad at your mate, do not tell your MIL about it. She may not (D’UH!) take your side and you will end up feeling far worse than before. Save your marital gripes for your girlfriends, your own mother, or better yet, your trusty Daughter-in-Law Solutions Worksheet. (Just apply it to your husband!)

"Tell Your MIL What a Great Job She Did As a Mother.
And truly mean it! After all, you chose to marry her son! This will most likely bring her to tears

"Send Thank You Notes To Your MIL.
No matter what the gift, make sure you send your MIL a handwritten note to express your appreciation. But just in case she says, 'Whatever you do, DON’T send me Thank You cards! We're family!' a simple phone call will suffice. And be happy that she finally considers you part of the family unit

Giveaway Alert!
Would you like a copy of The Daughter-in-law Rules by Sally Shields? All you have to do is email me by Friday, October 31st: In the subject type DIL Rules. We'll pick 5 winners to receive a free e-book.

Last thought: if today is Mothers-in-law Day, it begs the question, is there a daughters-in-law Day? I Googled it and found nothing. Silly me, of course not. Is there a Kid's Day? Every day is Kid's Day. So maybe every day is Daughters-in-law day. What do you think, Kate?!!? (Kate would be my mother-in-law.)